Monday, June 20, 2011

Fathers Day – Beer and Whiskey….what else?

I consider myself exceptionally blessed to have many family members that live close by and as such it makes family events such as Fathers Day a fulfilling event. My dad turned 72 this year but he's slowing down although he will never admit that as he's the first to jump into any project to show he still has "true grit". Yesterday was a day of relaxation and enjoying each other's company. I enjoyed the day with my oldest son, my father, brother and two brother in-laws. There was lots of dead animal flesh cooking away on two grills as well as beer galore. I brought along some Allagash Black, Port City Porter and Optimal Wit as well as a mix of whiskies that included; Bushmills 21 year, Midleton Very Rare Irish, Old Weller Antique (a single barrel done back in 2009), Van Winkle Family Reserve Rye, 1982 Old Fitzgerald Bottled in Bond, Knob Creek Single Barrel and a recently purchased 18 year Willett which is a wheat bourbon that I cut down to 107 pf. My wife asked me what I wanted for Father's Day and I told her sandals. Tomorrow I celebrate 25 years of marriage to my lovely bride and we'll be heading out on a cruise to celebrate and I wanted some new sandals. God bless her, she didn't get me sandals, instead I received a 32" HDTV for my man cave.

Life is good....

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