Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Global Tippler – accosted by seasonal flu

I'm down for the count. I usually avoid the flu each season but this year it hit me with a vengeance and I've been laid up for the last 5 days. I think I'm at the tail end and in the hopes of such, I did take a little nip of a 2010 limited release of Old Weller Antique and it was nasty. I then tried a Rock Hill Farms and the same results….nasty. My palate is shot for the time being so the virtual vacation is on hold. More to come……


  1. Hope you're feeling better, there's been an unbelievable amount of flu going around this year. Always enjoy your blog and look forward to your next post

  2. Cheers Gary. Thanks for the note. Here it is 3 days later and I'm still not up to snuff. I hope with plenty of rest this weekend, I'll be ready to imbibe very soon. It's been a week and no beer or whiskey. I'm ready.
